Chrome Island

This SKILL BUILDER class will show you a shortcut to making the rocks on the lighthouse, and some inking suggestions to finish off the painting. 5x7, 8x10 downloadable patterns, videos of painting each section of the project. suitable for all ages beginner to intermediate painting experience

    1. Chrome Island Lighthouse

    2. Preview video Chrome Island

    1. Welcome to My Sketchy Friends.

    2. Apply design and center image

    3. Three factors

    4. Supplies

    5. supplies

    1. Watercolor painting the sky and rocks

    2. Painting the roofs and texture on rocks

    3. Adding shadows and the distant hills

    4. Some ink and details

  • $15.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • Suitable for all AGES and beginner to intermediate painters
  • Minimal Supplies Required
  • Easy step by step videos with Watercolour instructor

What about Carla’s Classes?

“::Amazing painting class well organized, plenty of examples and simple tricks that made me so much more comfortable about painting and not looking for perfection! :: ”

Irina Bartnik

“Carla is a patient, delightful instructor! ”


“Carla your teaching style is informative, fun and very helpful! No pressure to be a perfect artist. :: Get your brush wet and be creative wherever you are! :: Diane Goodwin ”

“:: I have taken several of Carla’s classes and highly recommend them. She is so much fun and every class has taught me a huge variety of things. ::”

Donna Telford

“ I took Carla's level 1 & 2 water colour class. Carla teaches with a sense of humor, patience and makes it fun. She made us believe we could do it and we did! Her relaxed demeanor quickly made us relax. She went over techniques with us until we understood and spent 1:1 time helping us perfect our brush strokes. Such a fun class!”

Vicki McNay

Carla Flegel Watercolour Instructor

True story

Carefree and Loose is not the same as careless. (And most who paint want to create loose style paintings )I think those words describe life as well as Watercolour paint!!! I have been creative since I first started to embroider, sew and make macaroni decorations as a child. My grandmother created stories of the east coast by hand drawing on burlap sacs and hooking rugs with strips of reclaimed woolen clothing. I caught her creativity and the need to interpret the world in colour. My "style" is referred to as "Painterly", "Fresh", "Lively", "Happy". I do not like perfect photographic paintings. I want to feel the subject and want the viewer to feel that vibrancy and sensation I feel and see when I choose to paint the subject. I prefer wet into wet watercolor and the casual accidents that bloom and blend lend to this spontaneous vibrant rendition of the scene. I keep evolving, stretching and finding ways to show people how I see the world. I strive to evoke a essence of subject. I hope my work brings a smile to those who own it. I think we live in a beautiful country and I choose to celebrate that.

Art Supplies

You only need a few supplies

PAINT: Red, Yellow, Blue  :: Watercolour  ::  Combining these three makes all the other colours   ::  bring any other of your colour favourites you happen to have  ::  The full list of colours I use is shown in the Art Kit Contents. These are ‘SKILLS CLASSES” so bring what you have.  If you go to purchase paint buy Artist Grade when you can.  

Make the project your own  :: Have fun! ::

PAPER:  I prefer 140LB, Cold Press, 100% Cotton Watercolour paper 22x30” sheets and cut to size.  Any Card making materials, but best thicker papers like 140 Lb.  

BRUSHES:: I like to use Round or Mop Brushes larger the better #10 or #12. ::   

 And. ::    Sharpie extra fine liner, or Pigma Micron #5 or 8   ::  water :: pencil:: sponge:: transfer graphite:: wine?

For this class you will need about a 12” piece of Saran (Cling) wrap.  

If you woul like to purchase a prepared art kit it can be mailed for $70 plus shipping  

 follow the link below to order directly 

Order an Art Kit

Artist quality paints and brushes

Kit includes a folding watercolor palette with 12 artist grade colors ( ) Hansa  yellow light,  Arylide yellow deep , Naples yellow , burnt sienna , raw umber,  alizarin crimson, vermilion ,mauve, Prussian blue,  ultramarine blue, manganese blue,  sap green, sponge and holder, ultrafine sharpie ,white signo  gel pen, pencil, texture kit, #2 Black Gold 311 mop brush ( 

If you don’t already have watercolor paint and brushes this makes it easy to get started but not necessary. 

PURCHASE a Watercolor Art Kit

Mailed to you $70 plus Shipping

What’s so GREAT about WATERCOLOUR?

I’ve always wanted to TRY watercolour but … its sooooooo hard!

  • Watercolour is FAST drying, FAST blending, FAST Painting and soooo PORTABLE

  • Three Factors to Consider: Paint, Paper, Water and WATER control is the most important!

  • Its reasonably priced. With a few tubes of paint you can paint for a very long time. And the portable palette makes it useable anywhere. Virtually no waste, brushes rarely ruined,

  • Its CLEAN, No need to change clothes or protect the surface, no gloves, dispose of water in sink, no toxins, brushes swish clean in water

  • Watercolour is a wilful, unpredictable medium that does not like to be pushed around too much! Learn its magical secrets with Carla’s Classes

  • Lets embrace IMPERFECTION!

  • PAINTERLY = Expressive :: this style is more about Feeling than Details

  • Watercolour COLLABORATES with us. Adds its own unpredictable but delightful variations

  • No canvases to store, just paper. Make useful art with cards, or try sketchbooks to record your life or a vacation


  • How long do I have access

    Once you sign up you can enjoy the classes for up to a year.

  • Do I have to have ALL the supplies suggested?

    NOPE….These classes are demonstrations mostly of skills … the colours you use make the paintings your own! Or Make a bigger painting not a card. Up to you! Have FUN painting! That’s most important

  • I’ve never painted before! Can I still take the class?

    YUP …. That’s the fun part about these classes. Each project is small … Just get another piece of paper if you arent happy with your project, or turn it over there are two sides! These are Skills Classes that help you develop from wherever you start your Watercolour Journey! Welcome to the Magic Medium!!!!


Paint using only 3 colours

Watercolour is such a unique medium. You can put the paint on the paper and it just blends and paints itself. Using three colours you can paint a wide variety of projects. Try this free class and you can see how quickly you can do a painting and how very few supplies you really need!
